Save Yourself, Save your Family and Save your Friends

this vidEO was/is a call to arms for me. it will be repeated a million times

the freeging n95 masks don’t work. the surgical masks are worse and the cool dude bandannas are a sick joke

The National Institute of Health issued an urgent warning that MASKS DON’T PROTECT YOU from the Coronavirus. Not even the so-called gold standard of masks – the N95. Even worse, they report that “reusable” surgical masks are killing those who wear them.

See NIH study quotes below:

“The N95 filtering face piece respirators may not provide the expected protection level against small virions. Some surgical masks may let a significant fraction of airborne viruses penetrate through their filters, providing very low protection against aerosolized infectious agents in the size range of 10 to 80 nm.”


“The results indicate that the penetration of virions through the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)-certified N95 respirators can exceed an expected level of 5%. The tested surgical masks showed a much higher particle penetration because they are known to be less efficient than the N95 respirators. The 2 surgical masks, which originated from the same manufacturer, showed tremendously different penetration levels of the MS2 virions: 20.5% and 84.5%, respectively, at an inhalation flow rate of 85 L/min.”


Hi Nick here. I am in a foul mood. I am really really angry. I cannot believe how people are acting especially baby boomers. We are in the crosshairs of a plague. What I believe if not already the coronavirus will soon be the deadliest mankind has ever faced. The politicking, the misinformation and profiteering disgusts me to the core of my being.

It just don’t work a second time…..

Look you got google… if you don’t believe me google it. . To make it easy for you i redid my original offer for the only mask i believe can protect you. I included the certifications, charts of the difference. I even got a letter from the EU certified testing lab certifying the filters we provide.

I am going to tell you what i told my kids. I have done all i can do. I became a expert on this pandemic. I am the librarian and mask supplier to Hospitals and foremost medical centers. As a footnote medical staff fight over my filters and masks… they know the truth. Back to my millennial’s. I told them here are the masks, goggles, filters and medicines and the supporting researcher]. Its on you my convenience is clear. You live you live and you die or get sick and disabled for life its not on me.

I have a solution for you. Send the complete kit to your family and say pick a chance at life or die. My conscience is clear. And that is exactly what i am doing for you. I am tired of arguing with stupid people. If you want to see the truth is as plain as day. The authorities are Not reporting the infections. They are NOT reporting the positivity rate. They are NOT reporting the hospitalizations. And they are NOT reporting the deaths.

So you really expect them to tell you the Gold Star N95 mask is a joke? Do you expect them to tell the hospitals workers that the PPE shit they provide is a even sicker joke. And they do not have the money for the right equiptment? DO you expect them to tell the poor schmucks at the hospital risking their lives and their families that reusing a N95 mask that has been processed removes the electrostatic charge and reduces it ability to filter big droplets by half????????????

take matter into your own hands

So save yourself, loved ones and friends by following this link or sending it to them. This offer includes a free subscription to the Pandemic Informer so they can follow the truth if they care to.

Copy and paste this link to order for them or send this link t your friends: