Third Pfizer shot boosts immunity to 95%

A third dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine could offer strong protection against the Indian ‘Delta’ variant, data reveals, as a separate study finds protection provided by the vaccine could wane after six months. New data released by the company on Wednesday showed antibody levels increased five-fold among people ages 18 to 55 who were given the booster shot. The third dose was especially effecting for the elderly, with antibody levels spiking 11-fold among people aged 65 to 85 who had already received the standard two doses. In the slides published online, the researchers wrote there there is ‘estimated potential for up to 100-fold increase in Delta neutralization post-dose three compared to pre-dose three.’

Data from Pfizer shows that the third dose of the company's COVID vaccine can increase antibodies to fight the Delta variant 11-fold in people 65 to 85


Data from Pfizer shows that the third dose of the company’s COVID vaccine can increase antibodies to fight the Delta variant 11-fold in people 65 to 85 The Delta variant continues to spread across the country, making up at least 83 percent of all new infections. Pfizer produces the most commonly used vaccine in the U.S., having been administered over 190 million times, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Early adopters of the vaccine may soon has their immunity to the virus slightly diminished. Research, which has not been peer-reviewed, led by Pfizer and Syracuse University in New York finds that the vaccine was 91 percent effective in preventing the virus for six months. It continues to drop at that rate, researchers say, the vaccine could drop below 50 percent efficacy 18 months after administration. Those who received the vaccine first may have already had its efficacy drop, meaning a third dose could be required soon.